The Centre for Sex and Gender Equity in Health and Medicine has been established to ensure that sex and gender are routinely considered in health and medical research, policy, and practice, with a view to improving health outcomes and reducing health inequities for all Australians.

We aim to provide resources that give practical guidance, so researchers are able to implement sex and gender policy recommendations into their practice.

Conducting Research

The resources on this page provide a centralised place to begin or enhance learning about:

  • what sex and gender are; 
  • how these terms are used and understood by different people in different contexts; 
  • how they combine and compound with other factors such as age, ethnicity and socioeconomic standing to impact health, and
  • how researchers can incorporate this understanding throughout the research cycle to produce thoughtful, inclusive and quality research. 

We are hoping to start conversations, spark ideas and create a space for researchers to learn about this topic.

Why is incorporating sex and gender dimensions important?

Incorporating sex and gender dimensions in health and medical research increases our understanding of the causes of disease and how best to prevent and manage these conditions.

Knowing this is a critical first step in creating evidence-based policies, training and interventions to reduce gender inequities, increase the rigour of medical research and improve health.


Language, Terms, Definitions and Inclusivity in Research

Project Glossary

Terms and definitions for Sex & Gender Policies in Health and Medical Research project

Useful links

Researching intersex populations

Intersex Human Rights Australia

Darlington Statement

AIS Support Group Australia, IHRA, ITANZ, et al

Tools for conducting research incorporating sex and gender

No matter where you are working in the health and medical research pipeline, sex and/or gender should be thoughtfully incorporated in every stage of the research cycle, not only at the end or when you are conducting your analysis.

Below are some resources to assist you at every research stage:

Click on the image to open in new window

Sex and gender in health research | Candian Institutes for Health Research (How to integrate sex and gender into research training modules)

(steps 3,4,5,6,7)

Recommended Training and Case Studies:

Other international projects of relevance:

Learn more about sex and gender:

Learn more about minority populations marginalised in discussions on sex and gender:

The Centre for
Sex and Gender Equity in Health and Medicine

The Australian Centre for Sex and Gender Equity in Health and Medicine is led by Centre academic partners, The George Institute for Global Health, the Australian Human Rights Institute at UNSW Sydney and Deakin University. The initiative is supported by collaborative partners the Victorian Department of Health and the Association of Australian Medical Research Institutes (AAMRI).

Centre Vision

To ensure that sex and gender are routinely considered in health and medical research, policy, and practice, with a view to improving health outcomes and reducing health inequities for all Australians, not only women and girls, but also men and boys, people with variations of sex characteristics (Intersex), trans and gender diverse people.

The Centre endorses a strong intersectional approach to sex and gender research, policy, and practice, acknowledging the multiple factors that intersect to impact on health outcomes and health inequities. The Centre has prioritised engagement with First Nations people in its establishment and growth.

The Centre will:

Undertake and support the conduct of high-quality research.

Facilitate the translation of research into evidence-informed policies and practices. 

Build capacity in addressing sex and gender health and medical inequities, via training and education. 

Communicate and advocate for the integration of sex and gender in health and medicine.

Engage and collaborate with end-users, communities and other stakeholders to advance culturally appropriate activities. 

The national Centre for Sex and Gender Equity in Health and Medicine is established following decades of research and advocacy. The Centre is crucial to coordinate national efforts, to promote good practice, drive translation and education, and support inclusive research to advance health outcomes for all Australians.

The official website for the Centre for Sex and Gender Equity in Health and Medicine will be launched later this year. Thank you to our donors and collaborative partners for their generous support.

The Centre for Sex and Gender Equity in Health and Medicine acknowledges the Traditional Owners of Country throughout Australia and recognise their continuing connection to land, waters and culture. We pay our respects to Elders past, and present.

Explore the website to learn more about the original research project: Sex and Gender Policies in Health and Medical Research.                            Learn more​